Course Code: 

This four-day course provides a comprehensive look at  of Drupal 10 and is designed for Front End Developers. The concepts are introduced throughout the week and then reinforced with practice and challenges. You will be building multiple Drupal sites and themes during the week as you learn Drupal 8.

Day 1- Introduction to Drupal 10 provides a solid introduction to Drupal 8. The course introduces and explains the most essential features and concepts of Drupal through hands-on activities.

Day 2- Building Websites with Drupal 10 provides a comprehensive deep-dive into the essential skills necessary when building websites with Drupal.

Days 3 and 4-  Drupal 10 Layout & Theming provides a comprehensive, hands-on training on Drupal 8 theme and layout development. This course provides a variety of approaches for making dynamic layouts in Drupal, and helps users to choose the right approach for their site. You will learn techniques and best practices for configuring layouts for websites.  

Sign up For This Course

Course Length: 
4 days
Target Audience: 

Drupalists new to Drupal 8 theming (Learners) and HTML / CSS developers new to Drupal (Newcomers).
